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Full text of "Hypergravity and Categorical Feynmanology"

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by Louis Crane 

Mathematics department, KSU. 

Abstract: We propose a new line of attack to create a finite quantum 
theory which includes general relativity and (possibly) the standard model in 
its low energy limit. The theory would emerge naturally from the categorical 
approach. The traces of morphisms from the category of representations we use 
to construct the state sum also admit interpretation as Feynman diagrams, so 
the non-categorically minded physicist may think of the models as combinatorial 
expressions in Feynman integrals, reflecting the topology of the triangulated 
manifold. The Feynman picture of the vacuum would appear as a low energy 
limit of the theory. 

The fundamental dynamics of the theory are determined by a Topological 
Quantum Field Theory expanded around a conjectured geometric quasi-vacuum. 

Although the model is a 4 dimensional state sum, it would have a stringlike 
ten dimensional perturbation theory. 

The motivation for the name "hypergravity" is the existence of an infinite 
tower of alternating fermionic and bosonic partners of the gravitational field in 
the theory, with an n=2 chiral supersymmetry functor connecting them. It is 
remarkable that a supersymmetry appears in the high energy sector of a theory 
not founded on supergeometry. 

1. Introduction 

The purpose of this paper is to begin a new attempt to produce a quantum 
theory of nature, including both general relativity and particle physics, out of 
the categorical approach. [CKY1,BC1,BC2]. 

The categorical approach is a method to produce a type of discrete theory, 
rather like a lattice QFT, but put on a triangulated manifold, instead of a 
lattice, in order to make it applicable to curved spacetimc. 

One replaces the fields and Lagrangian of a QFT by an abstract algebraic 
structure and its operations. A basis for the algebraic structure is used to label 
sites on the triangulation, and the operations are used to combine these to make 
numbers called "local contributions" .These are then combined into a state sum, 
which can be viewed as closely analogous to a path integral. The analogy is 
that the elements of the structure are like local fields, while the structure itself 
is a sort of Lagrangian density. 

In higher dimension than 2, the algebraic structure is often some sort of ten- 
sor category and the structure which is used to create the QFT is its associator 
or something similar. 

The local contributions from the relevant tensor category are in fact the 
evaluations of Feynman diagrams for a special QFT on hyperbolic space [F- 
K,BC2]. As we shall argue below, this suggests that the Feynmanology of 


the matter fields in the model we are proposing may appear directly as traces 
of morphisms in the category of representations from which we construct the 

The current paper is not self contained. It draws heavily on the categorical 
state sum models for BAF theory in [CKY1], and the Euclidean and Lorentzian 
signature state sum models in [BC1,BC2]. We assume that the reader is familiar 
with those constructions, as well as the fundamentals of category theory. The 
entire motivation for the proposal is specific features of these models, and of the 
tensor category from which they are constructed. 

The construction of a four dimensional topological state sum (TSS) in [CKY1] 
assumes a complete tensor category, i.e. one which is closed under the tensor 
product. In [BC1,2], models were proposed for four dimensional discrete quan- 
tum general relativity in Euclidean and Lorentzian signatures respectively. Both 
models were constrained versions of models of the topological type in [CKY1], 
which were constructed by restricting to a suitable subcategory which was not 
a tensor subcategory. The Euclidean model [BC1] was obtained by restricting 
to the irreducible representations of U q so{4) which had equal half integer in- 
dices for the left and right actions of U q so(3) , which we call "balanced" . The 
Lorentzian model was a similar restriction of the category of representations of 
the Quantum Lorentz Algebra [BR 1,2], specifically to the irreducible represen- 
tations of the form i?o,p- (the general irreducible representation of the QLA is 
of the form Rk tP for k a half integer.) Since these models are not based on closed 
tensor categories, they are not topological, i.e. they depend on the triangulation 

In both cases the construction is motivated by the idea that the constraint 
corresponds to the quantization of the condition that the bivectors on the 2- 
simplices of a triangulated 4-manifold are simple. 

This leaves two difficult problems in the way of developing a serious physical 

1. finding the limiting behavior as the triangulation is refined, i.e. 
the continuum limit 


2. adding the matter fields. 

The behavior of the topological model as the triangulation is refined is not 
problematical at all. The physical quantities arc triangulation independent, so 
we are already at the continuum limit. The price we pay for this is that there 
are no local degrees of freedom, not even geometrical ones. The categorical 
constraint has the effect of breaking topological invariance, so the "smaller" 
state sum has a "larger" state space. 


Several authors have tried to make a continuum limit for the models of 
[BC1,2] or closely related ones by summing over triangulations or slightly more 
general combinatorial situations [R-Rl,Ba]. The convergence problem for such 
an approach seems formidable, however. 

Our hope is that the two problems have a single solution. 

What we want to propose is that the fundamental dynamics of our universe 
is actually determined by a categorical topological state sum, but that we are 
in a sort of "bubble", i.e. a region in which labels in the sum arc restricted 
to a subspace of the full labelling set of objects of the category which has a 
relative stability under the dynamics induced by the TSS. This is similar to 
the suggestion of Witten [W] that the fundamental theory has a "topological 
phase" but we fluctuated out of it, except that it is rather a TQFT that has a 
nontopological quasiphase. 

The constrained subtheory would be a summation over some of the labels for 
the whole theory, but subject to a constraint which has the property that if we 
begin a state sum with initial conditions satisfying the constraint, the dynamics 
of the larger TSS would only produce a very small contribution of labels outside 
the constraint for a long time as measured by a clock constructed within the 
constrained label space, provided the curvature of the geometry defined by the 
labelling within the constrained subsystem was small compared to the Planck 

Let us formalize matters: 

"DEFINITION": A geometric quasi- vacuum is a subspace S of the 
total labelling space T for a TSS such that 

1. The constrained labellings can be interpreted as defining a discrete ge- 
ometry on the underlying manifold. 

2. If we calculate the time evolution using the entire TSS, but on initial 
conditions inside the subspace S, the deviation from the result of the constrained 
theory will be small provided the curvature of the initial conditions is small in 
Planck units, for a long time as measured by a clock defined in terms of labels 
from the set S. 

CONJECTURE 1: The Euclidean signature model of [BC1] is a geometric 
quasi-vacuum for the TSS of [CKY1] with category Rep U q so{4) , i.e. the space 
of balanced labels is a suitable S in the above definition. The Lorentzian model 
in [BC2], but with q taken to a root of unity, is a geometrical quasi vacuum of 
a TSS associated to a version of the QLA with q also a root of unity. 

CONJECTURE 2: The set of geometric quasi-vacua associated to the 
TSSs of conjecture 1 is actually very large, including examples related to string 


Motivation for these conjectures will appear in the bulk of the paper below. 

What we are proposing is that the matter fields we see in the universe are 
the low energy limit of the other labels in the TSS, besides those that satisfy 
the constraints for the model for general relativity. If we are in a "bubble" , i.e. 
a region where the labels satisfying the constraints predominate, small fluctu- 
ations of the extra labels would appear to propagate through the geometrical 
background defined by the included labels. 

An observer in a region of a TSS which fluctuated into a geometric quasi 
vacuum would seem to see the world obey the laws of the constrained theory. 
In particular if the constrained theory approximated the laws of GR coupled to 
suitable matter, it could easily settle into an expanding solution, so a Planck 
scale initial fluctuation could appear to become vastly larger to an internal ob- 
server. If such an observer attempted to study a region where spacetime was 
highly curved, then the labels excluded from the constraint would begin to ap- 
pear, adding at first to the field content of the observed theory. Paradoxically, 
however, if the observer entered a region which strayed too far from the curva- 
ture limitations, and hence from the constrained theory, the additional hierarchy 
of "fields" would produce a regime in which no local excitations could exist at 
all anymore, i.e. a topological theory. One way to understand how this would 
happen is that the new sets of labels which would appear are linked by a su- 
pcrsymmetry functor, so that the corrections which would appear if one refined 
the triangulation would cancel out in a telescoping supersymmetry. 

The way I envision this is that what would appear would be a thermal bath 
of an ever increasing variety of particles, as predicted by the semiclassical theory 
in regions of curvature. Eventuallythis would reach a critical temperature and 
make all measurement impossible, destroying any observer in the region. 

Put differently, there would not exist a true continuum quantum theory 
of pure gravity, because at sufficiently high energy densities matter would be 
formed around the curvature loci. Matter plus gravity would not have a contin- 
uum quantum theory, because at still higher temperature the matter fields and 
metric fields would merge into a topological state sum. Since the higher part- 
ners of the labels which give gravity are related by a supersymmetry functor, 
their contributions to the state sum would telescopically cancel as we refined 
the triangulation into the region where they became important. Thus, an effect 
analogous to the no renormalization theorem for supersymmetric theories would 
cause the state sum to become topological. 

This is rather similar to the idea of SUSY breaking, except in a discrete 
picture, rather than for continuum fields. It is remarkable that the category of 
unitary representations of the ordinary Lorentz group has a decomposition into 
partners of the subcategory associated to GR connected by a supersymmetry 
functor. Infinite supersymmetric hierarchies do not seem to appear in continuum 
field theories. 

The region of spacetime before the fluctuation happened would seem to have 


a completely degenerate geometry and a thermal state at the Planck tempera- 
ture to an observer inside the bubble. This would be a plausible scenario for a 
big bang. 

Any region inside the bubble where the curvature became high enough would 
also begin to see labels from outside the constraint space, which would appear 
similar to Hawking radiation, until the Planck temperature was reached. 

A region within the bubble which appeared so small that any subdivision of 
it would be dominated by labcllings with large curvature would effectively leave 
the bubble. An attempt by an observer to probe it would yield a thermal state, 
and no finer determinateness as to the geometry of the small region. Thus the 
only continuum limit for the theory would be the topological theory. 

The "definition" of a geometric quasi-vacuum given above is motivated by 
a physical picture, and will need considerable refinement to make it mathemat- 
ically precise enough for further analysis. We will try to argue that various 
specific facts about the models of [CKY1 BC1,2] make this picture plausible. It 
is with quasi- vacua of the specific TSS related to the unitary represen- 
tations of the QLA and U q so(A) that we shall be concerned. For brevity, 
and for reasons discussed below we shall refer to them as "hypergravity" . 

In order to advance the program of this paper, the first necessary step will 
be to make a precise formulation of the definition of quasi-vacuum in terms 
of the actual categorical state sum. A natural procedure would be to con- 
strain the labels along a 3D hypcrsurface in the triangulated 4-manifold to lie 
within the theory, and to constrain the labels on the 2-simplices incident to the 
hypersurface both to lie within the constraint subcategory and to correspond 
geometrically to a small time. One could investigate the behaviour of the state 
sum for some relatively simple constraint subcategory, then try to prove a quan- 
titative form of the conjecture. Lastly, one could try to generalize the behaviour 
to a large family of constraint subcategories. We are then conjecturing that a 
very large family of subspaces of the set of labels would satisfy such a stability 
condition. If our intuition is correct, we would end up with a picture of the 
vacuum of the TQFT as a froth of many different types of bubble. 

What we want to do in this paper is to make a preliminary analysis of the 
prospects of this direction of development. There are two points which seem to 
us to make it worthy of study. 

1. There seems to be a natural picture in which the low energy fields pro- 
duced by the excluded labels would reproduce the standard model. This is 
because the algebraic structure of the category we are proposing to use makes 
very natural contact with the ideas of the Connes-Chamseddinc model [CC, 

2. A perturbative treatment of the hypergravity model yields a picture of 
strings with either bosonic or fermionic labels moving through a 10 dimensional 


curved space. It is not clear yet if these are related to superstrings as we know 
them. Nevertheless, this is the motivation for conjecture 2. 

In the rest of this paper we will have to treat specific aspects of the CSS's 
mentioned above, in order to see to what extent the conjectures are justified. 

2. Representation theory of the QLA and the Hypergravity Mul- 
tiplet. Constraints and Quasi- Vacua. 

Let us begin by reviewing the basic facts concerning the unitary representa- 
tions of the classical Lie algebra so(3,l) which is isomorphic to sl(2, C)r. These 
were first studied by Gelfand, and his collaborator Naimark [GN,N]. There is a 
fundamental family of these, called the principal series. They can be realized as 
weighted actions of the group of linear fractional transformations on the Hilbert 
space L 2 (C). They form a two parameter family Rk,p, where k is a half integer 
and p is a real number. For any three representations Rki, Pi , i=l,2,3; there is 
a unique intertwining operator Rkx, Pl <S> Rk 2 ,p 2 ~~ * Rk 3 ,p 3 up to scalar multiple 
if ki + k 2 + k 3 is an integer, and there is no intertwiner at all otherwise. The 
intertwiners are given explicitly in [N]. 

The constraint for the model of [BC2] is that k=0; i.e. we consider only a 
state integral over the 10J symbols for the i?o, P 's. 

In order to get a finite model in [BC2], we passed to representations of the 
quantum group associated to the Lorentz group, the QLA of [P-Wo, Pu, BR 
1,2]. The representation theory of the QLA, for a real deformation parameter q 
is well analyzed in the above papers, and is quite similar to the picture for the 
ordinary Lorentz algebra, except that the continuous parameter p only takes 
values in the interval [0, ; ^J . The picture for intertwiners is also analogous to 
the result cited for the Lorentz algebra. The result was that it was possible to 
write down a state integral model using the representations of the QLA, with 
all the integrals over finite measures, and hence finite. 

Now we would like to think of the constrained model of [BC2] as a submodel 
of a TSS. This is not quite possible for real values of q, since the sum over the 
discrete parameter k would still be infinite. 

However, it is natural to conjecture that if we passed to q a root of unity, 
then there would be a truncation of the family of representations Rk.p at a suf- 
ficiently large k for q a fixed root of unity. The reason to believe that is that 
the representation Rk, P decomposes as an ascending chain of representations of 
U q su{2) with the lowest spin in the chain given by k. Thus, since the represen- 
tations of U q su{2) with spin greater than (lnq/4i)-l have quantum dimension 
and decouple, so should the representations of the QLA at the same k. Assum- 
ing this conjecture is correct, and it is certainly not too hard to investigate, We 
can embed the Lorentzian model of [BC2] as a constrained subsum of a TSS. 
We already know that the Euclidean signature model of [BC1] can be embedded 
as a subsum of a TSS, namely the model of [CKY1] with category RepU q so{4) 
for q a root of unity. 


In either case, it is interesting to think how the rest of the labelling category 
appears in relationship to the subcategory we are using as a discrete model for 
gravity. We shall discuss the Lorentzian signature, the Euclidean situation is 
very similar. The labelling objects appear as a series of copies of the labels for 
gravity, one partner set Rk, p for each half integer k. The couplings for each 
partner set would be similar to the ones in the gravity labelling set, but different 
sets would be coupled more weakly to one another by some exponential factor 
involving the difference in k [BR 2]. 

Thus we would find a hierarchy of "partners" to gravity, alternately bosonic 
and fermionic. 

There is also a natural operation in the category which connects the adja- 
cent partner sets. Tcnsoring with a finite dimensional representation (necessarily 
nonunitary) then projecting back to the unitary category would send each Ru, P 
to a combination of other k's determined by the usual Clebsch Gordon formula, 
but only with the identical p [BR3]. In particular, tensoring with either the 
(1/2,0) or (0,1/2) representations (the complexification of the QLA is isomor- 
phic to the product of 2 copies of U q sl(2, C) ) would give an operation on the 
hierarchy of partner sets, mapping each Rk yP to Rk+i/2,p © Rk-i/2, P - Since ten- 
sor product is functorial, the morphisms of the category, which we are using to 
construct our diagrams, are also acted on by the supersymmetry functors. 

This is the motivation for the name "hypergravity" . If we think of the 
labelling category for the TSS as an extension of the labels for the model for 
GR, it has the appearance of a hierarchy of copies of the GR labels, alternatively 
fermionic and bosonic, together with two natural chiral fermionic maps relating 
adjacent elements of the hierarchy. This is reminiscent of supersymmetric field 
theories, except that the hierarchy seems to be infinite. The coupling of each 
"hyperpartner" to itself mirrors the gravity multiplet. 

The above cited result about coupling of different partner sets is one mo- 
tivation for conjecture 1 above. For small curvatures, it would be improbable 
to see k fluctuate by an entire half unit. Another piece of evidence is the fact 
that if we restrict the models of [BC1,2] to configurations corresponding to flat 
metrics, they in fact become topological themselves [CKY1]. Of course the idea 
that "nearly flat" metrics are "nearly topological" needs a careful quantitative 

At this point, I hope it is clear that "what would be the low energy effective 
field content of the hypergravity multiplet?" is a plausible question. One could 
try to find an analog of the renormalization group for categorical state sums, 
and try to discover how much of the hypergravity multiplet was relevant. 

In the next section we explore the possibility that, because of an algebraic 
coincidence of noncommutative geometry which does not appear to have a classi- 
cal geometric analogue, the standard model might well emerge naturally within 

3. Connections with the Standard Model and the Connes-Lott 



In [C-C] , it was argued that the standard model emerges naturally provided 
an algebra which the authors called the "world algebra" appeared as a symmetry 
algebra. The algebra they meant was 

W = C®H®M 3 (C) . 

It was incidentally mentioned in their work, and later elaborated in [Coq], 
that this algebra emerges as the semisimple part of the quantum group U q sl(2, C) 
when we let q be a third root of unity. 

Note that this is different from the common truncation at a 4rth root of 
unity. This will be still another new algebraic question to study in order to 
investigate this model. 

Now let us remind ourselves that the QLA is a "real form" of U q sl(2, C) <S> 
U q sl(2,C), more precisely, that its complexification is exactly that algebra 

Hence a truncation of the QLA at a third root of unity would contain two 
chiral copies of the "world algebra" as its semisimple part. 

It is not unreasonable to expect that a nilpotent piece of an algebra would 
vanish in a low energy (=long distance) limit, leaving the world algebra as the 
effective symmetry of the theory. 

This suggests that it might be interesting to examine other odd roots of 
unity as well, to see if they predict hierarchies of fields which include both 
the standard model and others which might be more massive, but potentially 

It is not possible at this point to demonstrate that the standard model 
actually emerges from the hypergravity multiplet at q a third root of unity. 
The truncated representation theory needs to be studied, to determine how 
the representations of our category decompose under the action of the world 
algebra. In addition, a form of the renormalization group needs to be developed 
for CSS's, and many hard calculations need to be done. Nevertheless, in QFT 
symmetry is a very strong principle, and seeing the symmetry of the standard 
model emerge by accident in the hypergravity picture is very surprizing at least. 

4. Categorical Feynmanology 

In our proposal, there is no true (continuum) QFT except TQFT. The la- 
bels that appear as matter fields in a certain regime merge into a topological 
sum in the continuum limit. Thus the effective theory of matter should be a 
combinatorial, algebraic one, which could appear within a tensor category. 

Such a point of view already exists in QFT as practiced, namely, that of 


It has long been one of the disturbing problems of theoretical QFT that 
neither the derivation of the Feynman rules from a QFT nor the reconstruction 
of a QFT from Feynman amplitudes is mathematically sound. On the other 
hand, it is rather the Feynman rules than the continuum QFT which have 
directly been verified by experiment. 

All this makes us wonder if the Feynman diagrams of the physically relevant 
QFTs could appear directly within the tensor categories we are using in our 

This proposal is not out of harmony with the original ideas of Feynman 
[F], who seems to have believed that fundamental quantum processes were dis- 
crete, and to have been rather sceptical of continuum QFT as a framework. 
The point of view that perturbativc QFT simply sidestepped unknown physics 
that appears at a very high energy has been a popular one for the subsequent 
development of perturbation theory. 

We are proposing that a categorical state sum is the most natural candidate 
for the unknown high energy Physics. 

We want to present some lines of argument to make this plausible. 

In the first place, the Feynman rules have a very close formal similarity 
to the structure of a tensor category. Morphisms in a tensor category can 
be constructed using graphs, with objects on edges and tensor operators on 
vertices. Furthermore, duality in tensor categories gives an identification of the 
set of vertices with a certain number of lines in and the rest out with the vertices 
with the same number and type of lines, but the separation into in and out lines 
changed. For example, Hom(A ® B,C ® D) = Hom(A <g> C* , B* ® D). This is 
formally identical to Feynman's use of CPT invariance to identify vertices with 
edges going forward in time with similar edges going backwards. 

The similarity between Feynmanology and categorical diagrams is not ac- 
cidental. When one constructs a Lagrangian, one first determines what fields 
one needs to include, then arranges them as representations of the symmetries 
the theory is expected to have. Next, one looks for scalar combinations of the 
fields to include in the Lagrangian. These provide the possible vertices of the 
Feynmanology of the theory. 

Note that representations of a group or algebra form a tensor category, and 
that by duality, scalars in the theory correspond to tensor operators. Thus, 
up to this point, the construction of tensor categories and Feynmanologies is 

Then there is the question of the Feynman integral, which gives us an evalua- 
tion of a Feynman diagram. In [B, F-K], it was pointed out that the evaluations 
of the closed diagrams in the categories of representations for Euclidean 4D GR 
(relativistic spin nets), were exactly Feynman integrals. In [BC2, R-Rl ], the 
same was shown for a regularized definition of an evaluation for closed diagrams 
in the category of unitary representations of the Lorcntz algebra. 

It might seem that the analogy between Feynmanology and tensor categories 
breaks down when we evaluate an open Feynman graph and get a number rather 


than a morphism. This is not correct. The evaluation of a Feynman graph is 
a function of momenta for the incoming and outgoing particles. Passing to the 
momentum representation for the state spaces, we can regard these numbers 
as the matrix elements of a linear map. It is natural to think of this map as 
a morphism in a tensor category. The Ward or Slavnov- Taylor relations [t'H] 
amount to the statement that this map is an intertwiner for the gauge algebra, 
i.e. that it lives in the category of representations of the total symmetry of the 

In the standard construction of a QFT, we would now select a few fields as 
the fundamental ones, find which vertices are renormalisable, and adjust the 
coupling constants in front of them to fit experiment. The picture of the vac- 
uum in Feynmanological QFT is then in effect a subsummation of a categorical 
state sum, in which only special terms are counted, and with special numerical 

We now want to make a specific conjecture as to how Feynmanology as we 
know it arises. 

postulate that just below the scale at which the hypergravity model 
goes topological, we have all the objects and morphisms of the cat- 
egory of representations of the physical symmetries of the standard 
model appearing in an effective state sum. This would correspond 
to a sum over Feynman diagrams, but allowing all possible particles 
and vertices. Let us then assume that the renormalization group acts 
on this theory, making all the unobserved types of particles become 
unstable in the low energy limit, and all the unrenormalizable ver- 
tices irrelevant (i.e. shrinking their coupling constants to near 0) and 
giving the remaining coupling constants their physical values. 

The Feynman picture of the vacuum then appears as the low en- 
ergy surviving remnant of the full categorical sum. 

The remarkable thing about this conjecture is that it is really not so terribly 
radical. The idea that "all terms not forbidden by a symmetry appear in the 
effective Lagrangian" is commonplace in QFT. Particles are considered to be 
completely specified by their "quantum numbers" which just specify the repre- 
sentation of the physical symmetry which they form. The idea that the observed 
interactions are determined by the renormalization group is also standard. 

It is not clear whether the conjecture above, which boils dow to the assump- 
tion that all possible fields appear at the fundamental scale and all vertices 
appear with equal coupling constants, has any physically testable consequences. 
It is arguable that it removes an esthetic problem from QFT. There has been 
the feeling that the Feynman revolution of the late 40s was disturbing in that 
it consisted of calculational tricks rather than a conceptual leap. If we really 
should think of summing over the entire category of representations of the total 
physical symmetry rather than merely the low energy limit, then Feynman in 
effect discovered the relationship between combinatorial topology and categor- 


ical algebra, which in some eyes is an elegant and fundamental departure from 
continuum Physics after all. 

We are led to the idea that the Feynmanology of the standard model could 
appear directly as terms in our hypergravity TSS corresponding to represen- 
tations of the world algebra, which, if our conjectures are true, would become 
important in an expansion around the constrained model in a low energy regime. 

This suggests that although the strong force is nonperturbative in the in- 
frared, physical calculations using perturbation theory for QCD could actually 
be done, since the onset of the topological theory would cut off the perturba- 
tion series. Terms with a large but finite number of loops would dominate the 
physics. Summing them would be equivalent to a categorical state sum on a 
triangulation with Planck scale spacings. 

It is very tempting, in such a model, to take the ideas of Feynman more lit- 
erally. Perhaps we might think of modifying our quasi-vacuum to include terms 
which fill the Dirac sea. It is also very natural to think of inserting Feynman 
vertices, with their invariance wrt time ordering into state sums representing 
general relativity, where different terms would correspond to different causal 

This picture suggests that we attempt to generalize Feynmanology to the 
categorical setting. We could attempt to investigate such fundamental ideas 
of particle physics as renormalizability, anomalies, and current algebras in the 
greater generalization of a tensor category for example, using representations of 
a quantum group. Such a study would be inherently interesting, and might also 
help us to further the program of this paper. 

5. Stringy Vacua 

It was observed by Lee Smolin [S], that the natural perturbation theory 
around a classical solution in the Euclidean signature categorical state sums we 
are studying would resemble propagation of a string. This is because the natural 
basic perturbation to make to a labelled diagram representing a morphism in 
the category of representations of U q su(2) is to tensor by a constant spin around 
a loop. In fact, the binor calculus shows that any "spin net" as such diagrams 
are also known, is a superposition of such minimal perturbations. 

It is not immediately obvious that this stringy picture would work as well 
in the Lorentzian signature, but that is a common enough problem in string 

Thus, if we want to study perturbation theory around a fixed term in a cate- 
gorical state sum, we insert loops with spin labels, and then ask the probability 
that some other combination of basic perturbation loops appears later. This 
can be calculated by tracing the different possible paths for the loops, i.e. by 
summing over discrete world sheets for a discretized string. 

Assuming for the moment that such a perturbation theory has some range of 
validity (a non-trivial assumption, but at least one which could be investigated), 


in what sort of space would it appear? 

The CSSs we are using in this paper all begin by putting representations on 
the 2-simplices of a triangulated 4-manifold. Thus, the loops of representations 
we use as perturbations are occupying little circles of 2-simplices. If we think 
of the simplices as small, we can approximate these as circles in the bundle of 
bivectors over the spacetime 4-manifold. 

Now the bundle of bivectors over a 4-manifold is a 10 dimensional manifold, 
fibered over the spacetime with a 6 dimensional fiber. 

The natural suggestion is that in the limit of finer triangulations the per- 
turbation theory would look like 10 dimensional string theory. Since the hy- 
pcrgravity multiplet contains both bosonic and fermionic terms with a natural 
functor connecting them, it is tempting to think it would reproduce superstring 

This further suggests that geometries in 10 dimensions could serve as qua- 
sivacua for the theory. One would decide what representation to assign to a 
2-simplex by finding its area viewed as a surface in the bivector space endowed 
with a suitable metric. 

We seem to be suggesting that the extra 6 dimensions for compactified mod- 
els should be thought of not merely as small, but as infinitesimal, i.e. as bivectors 
associated to the tangent space. 

This conjecture is principally motivated by the enormous work already ex- 
isting on superstrings and string vacua. The only connections that are really 
solid at this point are the coincidence of dimensions, the hierarchy of bosonic 
and fermionic excitations, and the "stringiness" of the picture. 

6 Generalizations. Membrane theory? 

In broad outline, we are suggesting that the combination of a TSS and 
some interesting constrained subtheory might provide a mathematical setting 
for quantum physics. We have, in effect, begun to study the simplest possible 
such combination, corresponding to the lowest rank of noncompact quantum 
groups. It is intriguing that there is some indication that the standard model 
might emerge from the simplest example. 

However, there will certainly be many other similar models which one could 
investigate. If the idea of obtaining the world algebra from the hypergravity 
multiplet didnt work, one could try bringing a gauge group directly into the 
theory by starting with a larger noncompact quantum group, for example. If 
nothing else, this would pose some very natural questions for representation 

Another possible generalization comes from the fact that the four dimen- 
sional TSS of [CKY1] from which we started is not the most general categorical 
construction possible. This is because it begins from a braided tensor cate- 
gory, whereas the most general 4D construction would use a spherical tensor 
2-category [Ml, 2] or else a Hopf category [CF]. The construction we are using 


is a special case, because a braided tensor category is a 2-category with one 

The most general construction puts objects from the 2-category on edges of 
the triangulation, and 1-morphisms on faces. Since a braided tensor category 
is a 2-category with one object, the labelling of the edges becomes trivial and 

In terms of the diagrammatic description, the edges of the diagram become 
boundaries of surfaces, which carry new labels, in the most general case. 

At this point, I do not know of any physically significant tensor 2-categories. 
Interesting mathematical examples are constructed in [M2]. 

However, it is amusing to ask what would happen if we tried to find a 
geometric picture for a perturbation theory for a TSS model based on a general 
spherical tensor 2-category. The edges would correspond to bivectors as above, 
while the surfaces bounding them would live in the space of trivectors containing 
a bivector. The total space of such configurations is a 12 dimensional space. 
Thus, something like a membrane theory in 12d would be the natural choice for 
a geometric background. This is of course extremely speculative, but perhaps 
worth mentioning. 

7. Conclusions. A Convergence of Ideas? 

The direction we are mapping out is based on four ideas: 

1. The fundamental geometry of spacctimc is discrete, not continuous, hence 
should be constructed from a model on a triangulated manifold. 

2. The model should be constructed from the structure of a tensor category, 
or if you prefer from Feynman integrals attached to the simplices. 

3. The continuum limit should be fixed by the coming into play of a hier- 
archy of new fields, corresponding to more parts of the tensor category, which 
remove the ultraviolet problems by including an entire tensor category and hence 
becoming topological. 

4. The largeness, flatness, and apparent complexity of the universe as we 
see it is due to an initial fluctuation, which caused it to take an apparent form 
more complex than the fundamental one. 

Aside from the categorical formulation, these ideas are not new in theoretical 
physics. In particular, the picture of a multiplet of fields which comes into play 
only at high energies and softens out short distance behavior is very similar to 
supersymmetric theories. 

What is new here is the application of unitary representations of noncompact 
groups, and the proposal to use the structure of the tensor category they form, 
and q-deformations of it directly to generate a physical model. 


The model we are proposing is quite close to the spin foam picture [R- 
R2, Ba], which itself grew out of the loop variable program [R-S]. The most 
important difference between the two is the passage from a three dimensional 
to a four dimensional symmetry group, due to the adoption of a Lagrangian 

To the (perhaps somewhat partial) eye of the author, one of the remarkable 
features of the hypergravity model is the number of earlier ideas of twentieth 
century Physics to which it seems to give a home. 

In addition to the spin foam/loop variables picture mentioned above, and to 
the possible connection with superstring theory, one could mention the old idea 
of Einstein [St] that the fundamental theory should be discrete and algebraic, 
Feynman's recasting of particle Physics as a discrete theory (as we can say now, 
of evaluations of words in a tensor category), Witten's idea of a "topological 
phase" , and Connes derivation of the standard model. 

Another intriguing connection is with the ideas of Majid [Maj]. Since the 
QLA is the quantum double of a quasitriangular Hopf algebra, it is a very 
canonical example of the crossed bialgebras he studies. Its role in the models 
in this paper is therefore reminiscent of the suggestions he makes relating them 
to quantum gravity. I do not know if his deeper ideas about duality will appear 
more directly in the development of this program. 

Perhaps, even though each of these connections separately needs considerable 
work to make it more precise, the sheer number of natural connections to other 
streams of thought is worth noting. 

We have made a large conceptual shift here from the mainstream of quantum 
Physics. We are replacing continuum geometry and fields by combinatorial ge- 
ometry and categories of representations. The justification for any fundamental 
reformulation must be that it opens new possibilities for investigation. 

It is much too soon to say that this program will solve the problems of the- 
oretical physics. It is fair to say that it contains many directions to explore 
without obvious analogs in the continuum picture, and with suggestive connec- 
tions to physical phenomenology. At a minimum, it can hardly fail to suggest 
interesting new questions in categorical algebra. 


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